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Some of the items that you'll use whilst sport climbing start off

These are some of the items that you'll use whilst sport climbing start off with you've got the rope bag just here which is useful to both keep the dust and grime away from your rope as well as transport it across from root to root the crag we've got a rope which is a single rope just like the one you'd use an indoor climbing wall moving on we've got selection of quick drills just here quick draws such as this which have a nice clean nose and a big fat tape are quite popular partially because they're easy to grab onto when you're finding roots quite hard and then easy to clean because there's nothing to snag on the nose just here in comparison to something like this which could get in the way why gates such as these are just as appropriate it's just finding one that's nice and robust.

so if you're on a route with a bit of a traversing can be worth carrying carabiner with a rolling pulley like this this will just help to remove road drag from the system so for belaying you can either use an assisted braking device which is a gris-gris just here or a manual belay device such as the bug here so when it comes to harnesses using a harness the renegade juice here is perfectly appropriate for sport climbers looking to reduce weight.

You can use an ultra light harness such as this Arc'teryx harness here other items you might need would include the helmet light them such as a brush here just to clean the holds off clip free of chalk be like glasses are useful and to see your lead climber without actually having to get that crick in your neck short bag much as the chalk bag you use at the climbing wall appropriate both indoors and out so the clip stick is useful both to pre place that first quick drill and then clip subsequent bolts if you're trying to work a roof so rock boots the same that you've been using indoors will be fine outdoors belay gloves have to fold use firstly to keep your hands warm and secondly if you're using a manual belay device just to sort of ease up on the heat and friction when you're paying rope through the belay device you.

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