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Seven knots Essential you need to know

Seven knots you need to know the square knot also known as the reef

The first knot is a binding knot typically used in boating securing bandages in a medical setting and home and garden it's used to join two ends of a line around an object let's pretend that these two ends are part of the same rope you go right over left for one of the knots and then left over right for the other the result should be a symmetrical knot with two ends running parallel to each other.

The second knot is a clove hitch the clove hitch is used a lot in boating sailing outdoor and also just around the house and it's used for securing a line to an object to start in the middle of line I take my hand and I twist the rope away from me this forms a loop doing it the exact same way a second time forms a second loop the second loop goes on top of the first loop you'll notice that both of the ends are in the middle the hitch is emplaced over your object and give you tightened to tie from the end you bring the line
all the way around the object below you're working in the loose end then goes above your working end around the object once more the loose end is then passed underneath the overlapping line a proper clove hitch will have no binding no .jamming and everything will beparallel to each other.

the third knot is a simple sheet Bend the sheet Bend is a joining not use in boating outdoor and also around the
house the primary use for this is to join two lines of different diameters and type  start with one line in the Bight this will be the thicker diameter of the two the smaller diameter line will go up through the Bight it is wrapped around and then touch underneath itself for a more secure Bend you can turn this into a double sheet Bend by simply bringing it through one more time if done properly both of these would look very clean.

Fourth knot is a bowline the bowline is a loop knot primarily used in boating but also in the outdoors and around the house the bowline is great for forming a fixed loop at the end of the line quicklyfirst start by making an overhand loop towards the working end the loose end is then brought through the bottom through the loop around the working end and then back through the top of the loop to do this quickly I swoop around the working end and rotate my wrist this forms a loop the line can be put around the working end brought through the loop and then tighten back up with a little bit of practice you can do this one-handed and this is what it should look like when you're done not.

Number Five is the figure-eight loop this is one of my favorites because I use a lot during rock climbing the figure-eight loop is used a lot in sailing and the outdoors and also drink climbing as well and is great for forming a fixed loop at the end of the line that's unlikely to slip starting with the Bight drape it over your hand snake it around the front of your hand through the back and then fish the Bight through the eyelet , another way to do this is to bend the bite and twist it two times bring it through the back and you form a figure eight if you're attaching through afixed loop you're going to need to do a figure eight follow through start by making a single figure eight with one strand you'll bring the loose end through whatever object you're looping through and then you'll go and retrace the exact same steps beginning from the exit when you're done make sure that everything is dressed so that everything lays nice and flat.

The Sixth or not that we're going to do is a round turn and two half hitches this is a hitch primarily used in boating but as often seen in the outdoors and also around the home and garden its primary use to secure line to an object we'll start by doing the round turn the loose end is then brought underneath over the working end and through the loop that it forms this is one half hitch you need to do this again for the second half hitch I saved my favorite knock for number.

Seven the table line hitch the taut line hitch is an adjustable loop used a lot in voting outdoors and home and garden its primary function is to adjust tension on the line fish the nonworking again through whatever you're going to be attaching to form a loop and do two passes on the inside of that loop going the same direction form another loop and then pass it through you know you've done this right when the loop goes one way and your trailing end goes the other way loosing and tightening as easy as grabbing the knot and sliding it around.

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